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‘Ike aku, ‘ike mai. Kōkua aku, kōkua mai. Pēlā ka nohona ‘ohana
Watch, observe. Help others and accept help. That is the family way.


The Kānaka Movement promotes a holistic, aloha, people and environment centric ideology. Where decisions are made with aloha, predicated on what is in the best interest of the people and environment. Where progress, growth and success, are measured by the health and happiness of the people and the viability and sustainability of the environment. 

Maintaining and growing a movement takes time, energy, dedication, and money. Though we have a fantastic team of dedicated volunteers, we cannot do this without your financial support.  

The Kānaka Movement is a non-profit, grassroots, initiative powered by volunteers and Aloha.  No one is paid or compensated for their work. 

100% of your donation will go directly towards supporting and growing the Kānaka Movement. 


The Kānaka Movement is a non-profit, tax-exempt, organization.
Your contributions are not tax deductible.
No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your contribution.

If you prefer to contribute via personal check, please make check payable to
"Kanaka Movement" and send to:
Kanaka Movement
691 Ainako Ave.
Hilo, Hawaii 96720


Powered by Aloha
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